Friday, November 4, 2022


 // This program demonstrates a function that uses a

// pointer to a structure variable as a parameter.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct Student
   string name;			  // Student's name
   int idNum;             // Student ID number
   int creditHours;       // Credit hours enrolled
   double gpa;			  // Current GPA

void getData(Student *);  // Function prototype

int main()
   Student freshman;

   // Get the student data.
   cout << "Enter the following student data:\n";
   getData(&freshman);    // Pass the address of freshman.
   cout << "\nHere is the student data you entered:\n";

   // Now display the data stored in freshman
   cout << setprecision(3);
   cout << "Name: " << << endl;
   cout << "ID Number: " << freshman.idNum << endl;
   cout << "Credit Hours: " << freshman.creditHours << endl;
   cout << "GPA: " << freshman.gpa << endl;
   return 0;

// Definition of function getData. Uses a pointer to a  *
// Student structure variable. The user enters student  *
// information, which is stored in the variable.        *

void getData(Student *s)
   // Get the student name.
   cout << "Student name: ";
   getline(cin, s->name);

   // Get the student ID number.
   cout << "Student ID Number: ";
   cin >> s->idNum;

   // Get the credit hours enrolled.
   cout << "Credit Hours Enrolled: ";
   cin >> s->creditHours;

   // Get the GPA.
   cout << "Current GPA: ";
   cin >> s->gpa;

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